22 Jul 2007

Tifa Cosplay

As found on tom.com

see all Tifa posts


Roys! said...


Unknown said...

....Concur and agree Roys... oh yes indeedee

thanks mr.Sirmans... quite the site you've got yourself...

Random J said...

Now SHE is cute. :P

She looks like the same girl who did the really cool Advent children Tifa cosplay. I think you posted it before Elderly. It's the first one that's likely to come up if you Google it.

Unknown said...

...cute as a button... and the advent children costume... well if it's not the same girl, she's got a doppleganger.... well spotted J

Just Asking said...

Actually the cosplay made here is from Final Fantasy VII game from PSX and not on the movie Advent Children you can notice it from the dress she's wearing!!!

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