29 Nov 2006

Black Lagoon Opening

Black Lagoon is a manga and an anime tv series created by Rei Hiroe. The story follows a team of mercenaries known as Lagoon Company, who smuggle goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia. They transport their illicit goods in the PT boat Black Lagoon. Lagoon Company does business with various clients, but has a particularly friendly relationship with the Russian crime syndicate Hotel Moscow.

Black Lagoon premiered at the Tokyo International Anime Fair in March 2006 and began airing on 8 April 2006 in Japan, the series airing its final episode on 24 June that year. The second season (called Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage), started airing in Japan on the 2nd of October, 2006. Video from ReapZ

see all "Black Lagoon" posts
Official Websites (Japanese)
Black Lagoon goody page from PlayAsia


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