One of four recently commissioned "igunis" models, Igunis (aka. Ignis, Igunisu) is a character from Nitro+ eroge game called Jingai Makyo: Chaos Gate. Igunis is a Japanese elf with a distaste for tentacled monsters.
Official Website (Japanese)
compare all Igunis Jingai Makyo figures

Cosplay courtesy of Sideways (see comments) and
flickr link
see all "Igunis" posts
Igunis Ignis Jingai makyo figure painted pvc
That is one kick ass character design! Cute. And her outfit is a little revealing...yet practical. *lol*
shame about the eyes, but i agree in regards to the costume... practical.... practically non existant... lol
Thank you Sideways, image added any more?
Hey Sideways, which Akon was that pic taken at? 16 or 17?
(makes a cup of tea for darkside hero), hope sideways comes back soon....
haha sorry guys i didn't know you were waiting on me!! it was a-kon 18 loves. i do have more but some aren't the best of quality. i will let you know though!
all right fellas here is a small gallery from the convention. feel free to take what you like =) i'm hoping to get new better pix (with the back and bat details) here in the next week. i must say, adam's mark could not have uglier carpet.
Quite excellent Sideways!!! thank you , I've added the flickr link to the post... if thats okay....
with your permission i'd like to add a separate cosplay post including a selection of your images......
...pretty please?
of course, i absolutely love this site. i have based my cosplays off of this website. in fact i'm in works right now developing Mina and Iris right now. I hope to have Mina done for AnimeFest Aug31-Sept 3. Her footwear is tricky. working out the abs will also be an endeavour. And I plan to début Iris for A-KON 19 next year.
So thank you for your collaboration of images and inspiration =)
Gulp!.... (Blushs, ) why ... im speechless....
Thank you, it's comments like that that make me feel all farm and wussy.... gulp!... much appreciated!!
you play a stunning Ignis.... and I can't wait for mina and Iris...
(busies himself preparing a sideways cosplay post....)
Howdy do dears!
Long time :D How've yall been?
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