Prepainted Rei Ayanami Figure from Reflect, for those of us without the skills to complete the earlier garage kit version.
Rei Ayanami is a character from the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion and the films Evangelion: Death and Rebirth and The End of Evangelion. Pilot of Unit 00. She is a social recluse, rarely interacting with anyone. Living by herself in a drab, dingy, under furnished apartment in Tokyo-3, her origins and heritage are left deliberately unspecified, and there is evidence that she might not even be entirely human.
Like many of Evangelion's characters, Ayanami's surname comes from a Japanese WWII naval vessel, the Fubuki class destroyer Ayanami.
Neon Genesis Evangelion on Wikipedia
Creator's Labo Version 2 (no eye patch) on Amazon
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tags Rei ayanami Neon Genesis figure painted model figurine reflect
The green panels on the plug suit are actually magnets which allow the front part to be removed... ;)
You can do that!
Now I want one of those...
thank you anonymous, now that i did not know.... any direction you could give us to pics of the erm.... demagnetised figure would be greatly appreciated
(sits drooling beside Nikolas...)
Here's a link to Reflect's site:
It's the last couple of pictures...
BTW, one of the hobby sites actually had an animated banner that "demagnetized" Rei when you moved your mouse across her figure.
thanks anonymous... neat ad idea... i found some pics the other neat, thought i'd bookmarked the page, didn't, still looking....
are you sure there are the pics of the painted version?
On hobbyfan, the pics of the unpainted version and the painted version are different:
-the colour of the lips seems different
-the colour of the "dress" is more brilliant
no anon, im not sure at all, your quite right, the lips are completely different shade, and the pre-painted outfit is much shinier... I grabbed the images from the sculptor's website, and not hobbyfan.... a quick trawl of the net produced the following
i have a sneaking suspicion though both myself and gamekult are wrong... for the $107 asking price, it may be no harm to confirm with Hobbyfan as to the final colouring, prior to any purchase
sorry if i've mislead you
the elderly
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