A 26-episode Japanese anime television series produced in 2001, written by Ryoe Tsukimura and directed by Kōichi Mashimo (blade of the immortal, Halo legends). Noir follows the story of two young female assassins Corsican Mireille Bouquet and the Japanese amnesiac Yumura Kirika. In their journey to learn more about
Yumura's lost memories and her connection to Bouquet, the two form an alliance and begin performing assassinations under the code name "Noir." During the course of the series, they are lured into more and more danger by a secret organization named Les Soldats. Your closest friend could turn out to be your worst enemy ,
"Noir doesn't fail to deliver mystery, action, and drama"
"an exciting action packed suspense thriller" - AnimeNewsNetwork.com
"series like this don't come along all that often" - Don Houston, DVDTalk.com
Noir was followed by two series, "Madlax" and "El Cazador de la Bruja". Together, these series constitute a trilogy exploring the "girls-with-guns" genre.
Noir Japanese JVC site
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NTSC complete series English, Japanese, available from Amazon
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