A character from the Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden video game series. Ayane is quiet and reserved, and trying to forget her traumatic experiences as a child, when she was viewed as a "cursed child".
Ayane is one of the fastest of the ninjas in the game. Although she can deal a lot of damage with single attacks, they are not always the safest. In one of Ayane's winning scenes in Dead or Alive 4, she says "It that it" as opposed to saying "Is that it"
cosplay from cosplex
see all "ayane" posts
Oooh, it's all so adult and hot! It even feels official...
..of course it is a little concerting to discover this blog is listed after tight grandmothers and before milfs parade... still every cloud has a rubber lining....
Tight grandmothers could do with rubber linings. BTW, is there A GILF fetish around or not yet?
from some cursory misdirected ...searchs, i have noticed a significant sub culture of milfs, and gilfs.. the gilfs ive seen so far provoke stomach spasms, useful if i ever get food poisoning
So, there are gilfs? Oh dear. Where has society come to? poor ol' grannies.
yep, fraid so, gives a whole new meaning to "grandma what big eyes
you 've got"
Thanks Lauren, just in the nick of time, anything in latex?
Hey, I need socks too. You know, grandma is cold..
lauren's got some neat crotchless fishnets, she'd love those....
(considers gnomes granny, a camera, gilf posts.. advertising revenue and fishnet stockings.....)
Gnome... sit down i have a proposition to make....
Is that last one an actual cosplayer or a prostitute?
The 2nd to last pic is by far the best. Though all of these cosplayer look 100 times better than the Ayane in the DOA film. The casting team did a great job by casting a white lady as Ayane. *applauds*
She was my fave character in DOA, because she was as cheap as that slapper looking cosplayer. I used to keep doing that attack she does that's a little like Cammy's cannon drill. It's a bitch to block and it sends those on the receiving end flying.
am i right in thinking DOA went straght to DVD? but you are so correct the casting was way off... anything for a quick buck it appears,
the last cosplay character appears to have settled for a close approximation...... those boots do her no favors....
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