Garage Kit original character, based on the artwork from Tsukasa Jun, famous for his Tsukasa bullet booklet, which focuses on several of Tsukasa's original characters, specifically his female ninja. The booklet includes color illustrations, line art, and photographs of garage kits based on Tsukasa's characters.
Available from Hobbyfan
tags Tsukasa Bullet garage kit Kurarisua Tsukasa Jun
What vile minds these figure artist possese, and such craftful hands.
Oh how I envy them...
Tried figure modeling once with some coathangers and modellers clay... result look like a deranged barbie....
...oh to be so gifted, they probably don't even realise it. This guy started sending in his sketches to a forum.. sketches got better, he released a book and voila.... but the gift was there... i've got some artwork of his, garnered from an extensive trawl of the net.. i must post it soon... most of stuff is quite adult, so im limited in what i can show on here...
One thing I learned during my tiny 18 years of life. The things I suck at the most are the things that are the first to improve. If you like modeling, God man, just do it. Find some practise sources and do it!
Start whit something simple. Hmm. Leave figures out of your schedule for a few months or more and start whit something simple, like the monolith tutorials on the Games Workshop official site, or just something you see. Make a model of a thing you see, save your imaginary beauties for a later time.
One Wary important thing... In art, don't do things on a small scale. Make your model take all the time you want, make it big and make it meaningful.
Bigger = more room for mistakes :D
I know, I draw...
a mature 18 years young, if i may say so, where did you inherit the wisdom of ages from?
You are quite correct of course, all that's stopping me is me, and indeed all i've got to do is prioritise.... and i've still got about 2lbs of clay lying around somewhere....
Thank you for that! i needed a good shake up....
Mature 18, and soon to be 19.
My wisdom is self taught, and refined over and over. When alone my favorite pass time is pondering whatever idiotic thought is derived from my mind. Guess I just have to much free time.
And good Mr.Elderly, please, model your heart away.
P.S. Once you become a famous modeling artist, I want a discount.
jeezzz 19... your getting on....
discounts will not doubt be the order of the day.... though I fear the intervening time will give rise to a myriad of thoughts first... too much time free time for yourself? never enough of it, your making good use of it while you still can.... and it's showing dividends
(bows to Nikolas...)
Good Mr. Elderly, your words give hope to my heart and ether to my soul.
...I'm expecting by your degree of knowledge that attaining a new skill such as model crafting should take only time, no matter how thin spread.
Oh, and I'm holding you on that discount deal.
(Returns gesture of bow to Elderly)
...with the maxim that it's hard to teach an old dogs new tricks ringing in my head.... you can rest assured a rather large discount will apply....
She looks a bit of a slapper. But she has a gun. So I'll just sit here, trying not to keep eyeing up her ample bosoms and just go on about my business. *proceeds on with writing up assignment*
..? somethings going to happen isn't it, you always sit and study when somethings going to happen... (pulls up chair..).. I wonder what it will be this time?
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