24 Sept 2011

Alma Wade F.E.A.R. Wallpaper

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Alma Wade is a character from the F.E.A.R. series of games, a horror-themed first-person shooter.  The identity and mystery of Alma are at the very heart of F.E.A.R 's success.

Born August 26, 1979, Alma is a gifted but troubled child, with tremendous psychic powers, she becomes attuned to the negative emotions of the people around her. Through the storyline of the first game, her physical body died six days after the removal of life support, but Fear2 explains her continued apparitions are the result of her surviving psychic energy which lives on long after her heart stopped.  Project Origin reveals that Alma is able to shift her appearance and that all three versions of Alma are all different manifestations of the one woman.

Fear Game  wiki

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