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Neon Genesis Evangelion also known as NGE or Evangelion, is a Japanese anime and manga that began in 1995. The anime consists of 26 television episodes. The series was followed by three movies:
Death and Rebirth 1997 is a highly condensed re-edit of the series (Death) plus the first half of The End of Evangelion (Rebirth).
The End of Evangelion 1997 is an alternate version of the series ending, which either supplements or replaces episodes 25 and 26, depending on how they are viewed.
Revival of Evangelion in 1998.
A re-edit of movies one and two
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Ah, yes, lovely forum avatar thingies. VGCAts have some nice ones too... Oh, and perhaps you could link to a certain other blog from this place too. Cheers!
this place... you mean of course this most venerable and gloriously delicious shrine.....
VGcats? just found em.. the webcomic forum..
link on the way.... im old remember?
Not quite, really...
okay i'll leave out delicious....
(rubs out the word delicious....)
how bout now?
aha... it's a code... you've been kidnapped.... fear not i'll save you
(gets out pencil....)
now del... ici....us
here... in the US....
nearly there... .
Delete Here US
erm....can you give us another clue?
...eureka i've got it, you've kidnapped by the playboy bunnies and are being held captive in the secret grotto at playboy mansion.....
...... and you never told em about me
(looks disgruntled.....)
(full-tittied bunnies kidnap elderly)
And they have great tea here, too...
(his face burried in bunny boobs, elderly tries vainly to speak to Gnome..
..erm my vision is obscured slightly at the moment... but thank your for getting me kidnapped, I owe you one... (or two...)
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