17 Nov 2011

Geralt Rivia Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Twitter Icon

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Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings is an rpg based on the series of books by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Currently avaiable on windows, and expected Q1 2012 on the Xbox 360.

Geralt of Rivia aka Gwynbleidd (white wolf) is a "Witcher" and the protagonist in the game series.  Witchers are monster-hunters who receive special training and modifications at an early age to provide them with supernatural abilities. Geralt is said to be one of the world's best witchers his abilities allowed for more experimentation and as a result has lost all body pigmentation. Abandoned by his sorceress mother, at times both cynical and noble. Geralt lives in a morally ambiguous world. 

Full bio on Witcher wiki  

see also the film
Wiedźmin (The Hexer or The Witcher in English) a 2001 Fantasy film by director Marek Brodzki

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