Dark elves are playable characters from a Korean MMORPG called Lineage. They were once members of the light elves but were banished for practicing dark magic. Lineage elves have opposing qualities and traits:
Light elves use white magic and are quick and agile, but lack offensive strength.
Dark elves practice dark magic, have high offensive capabailities due to superior mental and physical strength, and are nearly as agile as the light elves. However, dark elves suffer from weak defensive abilities, and are more prone to being stunned. As with every class (except Dwarves), the dark elves are separated into two classes: fighter and mystic, opening several avenues of play style. They worship Shillien, the goddess of Death, and are considered malevolent.
Lineage II website
see also Homura Ninja garage kit
Dark Elf kit in progress on gamerabaenre.com
Available from Hobbyfan
tags Dark elf figure lineage lineage II cerberus project garage kit
Wow! This ones awesome!!
Have you ever played the game? I checked out the site and it looks pretty cool- never had time to play MMO's!
no i've been tempted to try world of warcraft... but time is an issue... and sitting on a not very comfortable chair another...
Nice paint job, however dark elves are grey, rather than caucasian-skinned
your are indeed correct, still a garage kit allows that level of customisation.... grey would have been sweet......
Honestly this looks alot sexier than the grey looking elves.
Great job! this dark elf figure is awesome - thanks for posting this
There is one thing which sets apart a mediocre garage kit and a true masterpiece and that is the pose. This pose is quite dynamic and striking.
Gray or caucasian, its up to the builder. Thanks for sharing!
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