Meet Abel Nightroad, an executor who is actually a vampire with the ability to suck the blood of other vampires. He soon meets a young girl named Esther. The outcome of this meeting will determine the fate of both the human race and the vampires!
Trinity Blood is based on a series of novels by Japanese author Yoshida Sunao. Sunao’s works were originally published in the magazine “The Sneaker”. “The Sneaker” targets young adult males and has serialized many popular Japanese novels, including the well-liked Haruhi Suzumiya novels. From the novels came anime and manga adaptations. The manga is drawn by manga-ka Kiyo Kuujou and is serialized in Asuka magazine. The anime is produced by Studio Gonzo and is 24 episodes long. All three works are significantly different.
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This is a 360 game in the making also... I think???
indeed theres a lot of anime the 360 developers could adapt for our gaming pleasure....
Can you find any screens of the game..?
did a cursory trawl, denada, but when i do i'll post on elderly gamer, those shots i'd like to see....
Can somebody tell me where I can find download trinity blood light novels free? or can somenone send me the novels?
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