Lord Ashram is a character from the Record of Lodoss War franchise*
Lord Ashram is the former retainer, and right-hand aide to Emperor Beld. Serving as a general during the war of heroes, he is sent to the frontline to deal with any possible resistance.
After the death of Emperor Beld, Ashram takes up his blade "Soul Crusher" and returns to Marmo to regroup. Later on, Ashram seeks to dominate Lodoss, rather than conquer it, he searches for one of the governor's treasures, "the Scepter of Domination".
After the destruction of the scepter, Ashram is believed to have died in the fires of fire dragon mountain, but it is later revealed that one of the agents of Wagnard sacrifices his powers in order to save his life.
*Record of Lodoss War is a fictional franchise of fantasy novels, first released in 1988, by Ryo Mizuno. The novels were based around work Ryo originally created for a role-playing game system entitled Forsela. Since first publication there have been multiple manga, anime and computer game adaptations, several of which have been translated into English.
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Lord Ashram shrine
tags Lord Ashram Lodoss war
Nikolas the likeness is frightening
I sincerely can't thank you enough dear Mr. Elderly.
And there are similarities, to a certain extent...
...I'll be going now.
(hangs a sign on the door handle that reads "gone to the Lord Ashram shrine".)
....wait.. you forgot your sword....
(starts swinging sword..... swings a bit more wildly... smashes vase...)
better put this away for safe keeping....
Oh god, dear Elderly.
Don't you know that playing whit swords is dangerous, you smashed the vase and could have hurt your self.
Thats whay I carry a halberd. ;)
I'll get you a new vase on my way back from the shrine. You clean up the mess.
See you later...
(walks away whit a good prayer in mind)
Elderly this site is fantastic! Just been doing a lot of crappy schoolwork and used perusing this particular feast of eye candy as a break! Top marks dear heart!
....I know i should know better, but it was such a temptation... thanks for your help though a new vase would be lovely thank you...
..Nikolas... NIkolas? you forgot your sword again..... Nikolas.....
(resists temptation.....)
Thank you FK.... Schoolwork.... always makes me feel really queasy.... your comments are very much appreciated.....
(looks at sword.....)
i'll make tea....
(Comes back from the shrine)
Hi, I'm back.
That was some good worshipin' time.
And afterwards we went on a raid.
Here, I raided this vase for you.
(Hands Elderly the vase)
Ming they say, bah.
Put some nice flowers in it.
... By the way, I thought I heard you yelling when I left but was distracted by my car pool.
(hiding bandaged hand behind his back.....)
nope no screaming here.. must have been a car backfiring...
...Nikolas that vase... it's priceless... why i can't.... but seeing as it came from the shrine.. why thank you so much that is most generous..... MIng you say..... beautiful.....
i've wiped the blo.... i've polished your sword for you.... it's quite an impressive.. and ultra sharp weapon....
care for a cuppa tea?
so tell me all about the shrine.. did you travel far? was it well hidden... what treasures did you find?
Definitely the car then... :)
I heard that calla is a nice plant. It would probably go good whit your new vase.
..Thank you for polishing my sword, although it was clean as it is. Well thank you any way.
Now as for the shrine.
It was quite an experience I must say. Praising lord Ashram is not mainly trough prayer and meditation, no... Every once in a while we try to dominate a couple of islands, usually located in the norther seas.
Damn, and we would have been successful if it where not for the meddling "Order of the Heroic Knight". None other then followers of that damn Parn character... Why does he have to stick his nose in to every ones business?!
I could go one for hours.
Oh, and I would love a cup of tea...
Order of the Heroic Knight... dont get me started..... (spits...) pah!! here let me make a fresh pot of tea... theres a long night ahead of us...
{Some gallons of tea later)
... and after that battle, we knew our campaign was over.
But nevertheless, we Will be back.
(closes fist held in mid air, as thunder is heard outside)
Hm. You held my sword while in absence, right.
(looks at the newly polished sword)
Perhaps if the feeling was , say, fulfilling you could join the cult of Ashram.?
We could use someone as wise and attentive as you.
What say ye?
Me? you think? really .. nah your kiddin.... could i get a sword? get to look all menacing and heroic?
...i'd need a wig....
Yes, You.
The sword will, of course, be provided by the Temple. You can have mine, since I was reinstated to the halberd specialist division. And do feel free to look as menacing and heroic as you would like. The temple is here to help you achieve what you desire.
...Buff up and shave your head...
you mean it, your sword... wow i can't get ov....
shave my head? wait why do i have to shave my head.... will i still look heroic....
Shaving your head is not a necessity.
But should you decide to do so, you can be our war priest.
Ours are pretty much like those of Sigmar with the hammer and all...
Whatever it is you chose, you will still be a welcomed addition.
thank you for such support, War priest sounds so much better than team leader.....
wow war priest huh! (sound of electric shaver...)
.....(quite hairless old man re-enters room...)
well what do you think?
Now take this...
(hands Elderly a war hammer)
And this...
(a fullmetall breastplate, black one)
And these...
(cold steel pauldrons, boots and grieves, all black whit gold rims)
The cloak to.
(hands a red linen cloak)
And gloves.
(Black leather gloves, whit steel bracers)
...Hm... Nearly forgot the signature neckguard. It's armor attachable!
(elderly eyes fill with tears....)
...those pauldron are very cold....
if my mother could see me now....
She would be vary proud of you, just as we at the Ashram shrine are now.
...I neglected to mention my actual position whit in the shrine...
The call me the Lord Sovereign and you are now a HighFather, taking place amongst few.
(pats Elderly on the pauldron)
...Come, Father Elderly, bountiful raids await us. Give streinght and spirit to our men. Make them see the path so true.
wow a high father.... wow.... our ment? you mean im in charge of some people... brilliant...
(looks at shiny sword....) this is going to be brill... wait.. you mentioned raids..... as in ransacking and pillage raids involving death bloodshed and wholesale slaughter.. type raids.... or raiding the fridge type raids...
(suddenly dawns on elderly that the sword my not be ceremonial...)
oh oh!!
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