13 Aug 2007

Heavenly Sword Wallpaper

Or more correctly Nariko wallpaper. Nariko is a crimson haired character from a new Ps3 game Called "Heavenly Sword" due for release September 2007.

Nariko is the daughter of Shen the chief of a rural warrior tribe, tasked with guarding the Heavenly Sword, a weapon once wielded by a god. Although the sword's energy has protected the clan for centuries, that ceases to be the case when evil king Bohan comes calling, wiping out much of the clan, and imprisoning Shen so that he can get his hands on the sword. But before his troops manage to capture the weapon, Nariko reaches it and begins using it to rescue her father. However, the weapon was not intended to be used by mortals, and it begins to drain her life force as she wields it. You fight to find her father and defeat the king before Nariko has must sacrifice her life.

Heavenly Sword Official Website
Developer's Website


Roys! said...

How she keeps her long red hair intact while wielding two massive blades is a real mystery :)

Unknown said...

lol....must cost her a fortune on extensions....

Roys! said...

Yep, maybe that's the real motive for slaughtering all those baddies :)

Ross said...

Beautiful wallpaper. I especially like the first and third ones.

Unknown said...

it makes sense Roys!!.... those marauding extension stealing baddies deserve all they get.. Btards

My favourite is the second Ross, ribbon clad in the heat of battle and cool enough to steal a look at the artist......

Roys! said...

All are equally good, but the second one is the best cos Nariko looks really pissed in the others ... gulp ...

Unknown said...

luckily we're on her side.... erm.. we are on her side aren't we?

Random J said...

The top wallpaper is the best. That artwork is awesome and Nariko looks hawt!

Unknown said...

hi j, that little lady has softened my resolve to purchase the Ps3 a bit earlier than expected, hawt is right

Kotobukiya Figures