30 Jun 2007

What does Ecchi mean?

Ecchi or Etchi is often used in the context of manga and anime. The term ecchi is applied to anime or manga that has vague sexual content (such as skimpy clothing, partial or full nudity). In English ecchi can carry different connotations than allowed for by the original Japanese. The ecchi art style is loosely comparable to pin-up girl artwork, as well as to provocative fantasy and comic book art in the United States and other countries.

Wallpaper from Ecchi-haven

see all "Guides"



gnome said...

You're just like a living breathing japanese-english pr0n dictionary.


Unknown said...

thats me the Samuel Johnson of Japanese pron words..... (bows back) :)

Anonymous said...

Here is a bit of Trivia for you. The origins of ecchi or etchi.

The english letter "H" is pronounced ecchi or etchi. Because the letter "H" follows the letter "G" in the English alphabet. A man who follows or chasses after Girls "G" is considered to be "H", pronounced ecchi or etchi.

Anonymous said...

I thought that Ecchi, was how Japanese people said,"H". That it was abbreviated for the word,"Hentai" meaning pervert in Japanese.

Anonymous said...

What anime is that big pic from?

Unknown said...

Apologies Anon, Can't find head or hair of the wallpaper site or the illustrator

Did find an ecchihaven on deviantart and a google image search produces a number of images from the now defunct wallpaper site, but no luck to the origins of the image.


Kotobukiya Figures