Internationally acknowledged as a world class digital artist, recently being appointed a Maya Master. Born in Australia, Steven Stahlberg, worked for 10 years as a freelancing illustrator, most of that in Hong Kong, before concentrating his talents on computer graphics for clients such as Digital Anvil, Electronic Arts and Disney. He has also held seminars for Alias and Disney.
Steven has won many awards, including 8 CG Choice, Animago, Arts Electronica, 3D Festival and Comgraph. His art has been featured in and on the covers of dozens of books and he has provided the artwork for games such as Need for Speed Underground and Tabula Rasa.
Steven Stahlberg Official Website
tags Steven Stahlberg Digital artists digital art
Hi The Elderly, there's a high-resolution wallpaper for "The French Maid And The Mummy" by Steven Stahlberg at CGWallpapers here if you're interested.
Just chanced upon your site from the gnome's lair. Hope you don't mind some of the almost similar wallpaper-related posts on my blog + a few more similiar half-done ones in my drafts :( Didn't realize there's was such a nice wallpaper-related blog online :)
Nice art.
How long do you search the net in order to find things like this?
The first one look kinnda familiar. Just can't seem to put my finger on it...
Brilliant, brilliant!
Your blog is pretty special mr.munkey... i think we may be related.....
Gnome thank you if it weren't for you i would never have known about mr.Download munkey..... (hands gnome envelope.....)
Nikolas, that dragon image had been haunting me for ages, till i finally found the artist.....
Thank you Mr. Elderly, for putting the ghosts at ease.
Now theres only the matter of me finding that pic on my hard drive\CD\flopy disc...
One step closer every minute.
...we need image recognition software..... wait.... wh..wah..what ghosts......?
Uhm, should I open the envelope?
It has the normal retainer and commission.... with a little extra for such a marvelous introduction... ..but unfortunately it's magically sealed, so you'll only be able to open it in a financial institution......
The one behind you. Oh, wait...
It's gone...
Think that was grandpa...
Hey, come back!
Mr. Elderlyyyy.... grandpa took my envelope. And I was just approaching one of 'em Bank buildings...
...time for the ghostbusting kit.... god how I hate having to use this....
Nikolas perhaps you can talk with your grandpa ask him if he'd return Gnomes envelope,
(adjusts...ghost sucking controls,... arms ghost box....)
things could get nasty...
Don't worry Gnome we'll get that envelope back.....
(dons mystical barrier suit...)
I'd prefer you not Mr. Elderly. He is my grandpa after all...
(points a disappointing gaze at the ghostly figure)
... Come now grandpa, that's just not polite. Quite whit the jokes and give good sir Gnome his envelope back...
You know better...
(The ghost hand back the envelope to Gnome)
There, all good...
Sorry Gnome, we all have our moments I guess.
>You never let me have any fun...
That's just not... Well settle this later...
(powers down ghost busting kit....)
phew!!! that was touch and go...
...im sorry Nikolas I should have considered the famial connection long before i powered this monstrosity up.....
(places yellow warning stickers with "Think First, Bust Later" in bold letters...)
there that'll remind me...
you've done well....
another chapter draws to a close... time for a celebration...
(pours hot golden indian tea for the parched Gnome.....)
...new brand.. hope you like it...
custard cream?
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